Where do all the naughty students go? the Law catches up with them
I thought I'd share a little info about my uni: le Faculte de Droit.
On the outside, the fac looks a little dominating. This is the least intimidating angle, from outside the library towards the main batiment.

I do four subjects: One Masters level subject (private international disputes), you can see the classroom above.
And three second year subjects: Droit Civil, Droit Administratif, Droit Penal.
All these classes follow the same formula: one professor sits up the front, and talks and talks. Basically, dictating a long essay. Everyone takes down every word. It's even organised into subheadings: Premiere Partie (first part), Chapitre 1, Section 1, Paragraph 1, "grand A", "petit a"(here's the actual course, e.g. le principe [the principal]). And most parts are linked to a certain article in one of the Codes, which is the basis for French law. The first ones came under Napoleon, and the latest in the early 90s. The masters is different because is uses the articles of European Union conventions instead. Veeery dull.
Here are some friends in my class, celebrating the end of the first semester with a crepe.
L-R: Mailys, Douda (Audrey), Nans, Coco, Thibaud
I thought I'd share a little info about my uni: le Faculte de Droit.
On the outside, the fac looks a little dominating. This is the least intimidating angle, from outside the library towards the main batiment.
Inside, it's not much more friendly, as you can see.
I do four subjects: One Masters level subject (private international disputes), you can see the classroom above.
And three second year subjects: Droit Civil, Droit Administratif, Droit Penal.
All these classes follow the same formula: one professor sits up the front, and talks and talks. Basically, dictating a long essay. Everyone takes down every word. It's even organised into subheadings: Premiere Partie (first part), Chapitre 1, Section 1, Paragraph 1, "grand A", "petit a"(here's the actual course, e.g. le principe [the principal]). And most parts are linked to a certain article in one of the Codes, which is the basis for French law. The first ones came under Napoleon, and the latest in the early 90s. The masters is different because is uses the articles of European Union conventions instead. Veeery dull.
Here are some friends in my class, celebrating the end of the first semester with a crepe.
L-R: Mailys, Douda (Audrey), Nans, Coco, Thibaud
So there you have it. Any questions? too bad, here, you don't ask any.
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