Sensational Sonya's Super Stay in Super Super France 1-12 Janvier 2007
Guess who came to stay? Our friend Sonya, from Sydney. You'll all know her work soon, just keep checking bookstores in the space next to Bill Granger's latest book. If you can't wait, try and get your hands on a Korean newspaper, or else see what she got up to during her holiday here in sunny Aix with us...
Before I talk about her visit here, I think it is worth introducing you all to my friend sonya.
This is her:

When Sonya and I are together, we get a bit excitable…we start dreaming about all these
things we would love to do together. One of those dreams was for her to visit sam and I in france. Plan after plan was scrapped until November, when our little dream-for-two was re-kindled.

One day, in a land far far away…
We found an opportunity. A paid media internship for Sonya in Korea.
With the money she would get from that, she could make a tiny detour through Aix en Provence. Floating through interviews with positive thinking she came out bright as a brass button having won the veritable golden ticket!
Sonya (and Sam and I indirectly) had won an internship!!

And before we knew it, on January 1st, our first big dream-come-true occurred.

She arrived on the first day of the year, and was pretty soon settling into the French rhythm. She figured out how to order breakfast, then coffees, and by the time she left had worked up the list past hot chocolates to restaurant menus (she skipped to the end- le dessert). We gave a few other things a go as well though, like the outdoor iceskating rink in Marseille. Speeding along the ice, avoiding the freestyling ice rink heros (straight from "Encino Man").

Sam also found a way to put her and Mayan to work: as guest stars in the first lesson of semester two, at one of his primary schools. If you' ve ever thought kid's french accents were cute, like Sonya did, then wait till you hear them at full volume. Even May got a headache, despite years of hard slog with littluns.

While Sonya was here, we showed her around Aix a bit. Aix may have actually been built for people like Sonya. To enjoy Aix you have to be one of those people that loves the little things. And Son, Sam and I are all those kind of people.
Sonya got “uber” excited, while Sam and my love for Aix was totally rejuvenated! It is, afterall, the little things that count!

The way little daschunds are painted on the street

The inscriptions found on the inside covers of second hand books

Foie gras, cheese and saussicon

Pumpkin soup, like a party in your ladle!

Tartes aux framboises, eaten in the luxury of an ex-bourgeois palace.

The care they take to make their pastries feel like royalty.

We eventually packed her off to the city of love, Paris, to meet some snooty waiters and really round out her visit. But it is obvious to us that Aix is the city she'll really carry the torch for. That and foie gras.
Guess who came to stay? Our friend Sonya, from Sydney. You'll all know her work soon, just keep checking bookstores in the space next to Bill Granger's latest book. If you can't wait, try and get your hands on a Korean newspaper, or else see what she got up to during her holiday here in sunny Aix with us...
Before I talk about her visit here, I think it is worth introducing you all to my friend sonya.
This is her:
When Sonya and I are together, we get a bit excitable…we start dreaming about all these
things we would love to do together. One of those dreams was for her to visit sam and I in france. Plan after plan was scrapped until November, when our little dream-for-two was re-kindled.

One day, in a land far far away…
We found an opportunity. A paid media internship for Sonya in Korea.
With the money she would get from that, she could make a tiny detour through Aix en Provence. Floating through interviews with positive thinking she came out bright as a brass button having won the veritable golden ticket!
Sonya (and Sam and I indirectly) had won an internship!!

And before we knew it, on January 1st, our first big dream-come-true occurred.

She arrived on the first day of the year, and was pretty soon settling into the French rhythm. She figured out how to order breakfast, then coffees, and by the time she left had worked up the list past hot chocolates to restaurant menus (she skipped to the end- le dessert). We gave a few other things a go as well though, like the outdoor iceskating rink in Marseille. Speeding along the ice, avoiding the freestyling ice rink heros (straight from "Encino Man").
Sam also found a way to put her and Mayan to work: as guest stars in the first lesson of semester two, at one of his primary schools. If you' ve ever thought kid's french accents were cute, like Sonya did, then wait till you hear them at full volume. Even May got a headache, despite years of hard slog with littluns.

While Sonya was here, we showed her around Aix a bit. Aix may have actually been built for people like Sonya. To enjoy Aix you have to be one of those people that loves the little things. And Son, Sam and I are all those kind of people.
Sonya got “uber” excited, while Sam and my love for Aix was totally rejuvenated! It is, afterall, the little things that count!

The way little daschunds are painted on the street

The inscriptions found on the inside covers of second hand books
Foie gras, cheese and saussicon
Pumpkin soup, like a party in your ladle!

Tartes aux framboises, eaten in the luxury of an ex-bourgeois palace.

The care they take to make their pastries feel like royalty.

We eventually packed her off to the city of love, Paris, to meet some snooty waiters and really round out her visit. But it is obvious to us that Aix is the city she'll really carry the torch for. That and foie gras.
awww... thanks guys! I had the best time ever! Aix is definitely at the top of my all time favourite holidays. It was absolutely wonderful and you guys are terrific hosts!
Thank you so much XXXXXX
Missing you HEAPS
Son (and my favourite animal is still a panda)
We also had a great time. The school kids keep asking when you and may are coming back, too. I reckon they're wondering whether this panda-loving "australian" really comes from Sydney.....
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