Sam's Birthday 13/01/07
This happens every single year. It's incroyable! As long as I can remember people keep giving me stuff every January 13, and make sure I have a great time. Wierdos.

This happens every single year. It's incroyable! As long as I can remember people keep giving me stuff every January 13, and make sure I have a great time. Wierdos.
This year France got in on the act too, making it the most welcome 20 degree mid-winter saturday Aix has ever seen. And who would waste that opportunity to eat lunch in a great outdoor restaurant? There was a whole bunch of people wanting to eat at the same place as me today.

Unfortunately, not everyone in France got the "treating Sam like a king" memo, and thoughtlessly set some exams around the same time, so the day wasn't all giant salads and pichets of rose. But that night also provided me with a bunch of friendly faces, and TWO birthday cakes (counting up all the candles, I'm supposed to be thirty).

We partied like rockstars and ended up trotting home around 4 in the morning. Not a bad effort for a thirty-something, eh?
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