Snow-side Living 23 Janvier, 2007
The other night, Sam was en route to the corner store when after a few steps he started wondering where all the dust in the air was coming from. He re-arranged his scarf, and after a few steps later thought, 'man, it must be absolute zero tonight!'. He picked up his pace, turned the corner, and a cloud "dust" hit him. 'Damn, that's so uncomfortably cold', he thought, and with a big smile, bolted back to the house with the good news.
Mayan was so excited, she took a few seconds to jump up and down cheering, before scurrying to get her jacket, scarf, beanie etc., so we could go play in the first snow of the year. She kept yelling to Sam, incase he needed some explanation, 'it's snowing, it's snowing, yay, it's snowing'. Later that night, on our way home from the bar, she continued singing those same words over, to the tunes of various songs.
But it occured to me (Mayan) today that a normal lifestyle cannot be fulfilled in cities where it snows often, and the temp. is constantly below zero for 3-6 months each year. For starters it is impossible to get out of bed in the morning. Then there is the problem of hunger: always being hungry means one cannot concentrate at university. Not to mention, food is an expensive basic necessity.
But my new belief was really confirmed when i arrived home that afternoon at 2pm. Sam had met me after school and told me he had nearly recieved frost bite upon doing some handwashing after i had left in the morning. He said 'May, you should see the clothes- they're frozen!'. You wouldn't believe that clothes could actually freeze, and at 2PM??
Do you believe it now?? haha
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