Saturday, March 24, 2007

Hyères, 9-11 Mars 2007

When we got back from Biarritz, we were going to take part in a “stand up for the burrup” protest. However, the numbers fizzled thanks to the ski season, and we decided to join them, rather than beat them. We went to a friend’s place in Hyères, a mostly sailing boat port city near Toulon, near Marseille. It’s a cool place, divided into three parts: a presque’île (nearly an island), the old city, and the suburbs area.

We arrived in the night, and went to catch up with some old friends of friends: Julie, Fabien, Tiphaine, and us!

The next day we popped off for the first swim of the season (it's still winter, but abnormally warm)

Then for a picnic on the 'nearly an island' (translation of the seriously official name)

While we remembered everything, charcuterie, baguettes, et fromages, we forgot to bring a knife. Luckily, we had a flash of inspiration!

We strolled around, and got lost a little, then found our way and thought we'd pose like a rock and roll band in the 70s to celebrate

We stayed another night, and sampled the large action/thriller collection of Tiphaine's parents, then went to the market the next morning, where Sam added to his collection of childish dvds. Calmed him down for the long countryside drive home.


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