One of the best parts of living in France is that there is a different cheese for everyday of the year. And we thought we should publish for you our current cheese count. If there are any here that we have unfairly rated, or worse, cheeses that we have not tried that you know of, tell us!!!

One of the best parts of living in France is that there is a different cheese for everyday of the year. And we thought we should publish for you our current cheese count. If there are any here that we have unfairly rated, or worse, cheeses that we have not tried that you know of, tell us!!!
Bleu/Blue cheese:::A bit generic
Bleu d'Auvergne:::The cheapest, decent blue around
Brie:::Stronger than the stuff at home, niiice
Camembert:::Good basic to always have close
Chevre:::So good with olive oil- but then what isn't?
Emmental:::The perfect cooking ingredient- the best pizza in the world is made with this cheese
Fourme de Mt Brison:::A cross between mimolette and blue cheese
Fromage des Chaumes:::Tasteless
Gouda Jeune:::Great with a subtle flavor for beginners
Mimolette Jeune:::Very good
Mimolette vielle:::Better version of the above
Pave d’Affinois:::Camembert clone
Pecorino:::The best cheese everrrrr
Red Leicester:::British, but still worth eating cos it's yumm
Tomme de Savoie:::Best with tomatoes. Actually, only with tomatoes!
Bleu d'Auvergne:::The cheapest, decent blue around
Brie:::Stronger than the stuff at home, niiice
Camembert:::Good basic to always have close
Chevre:::So good with olive oil- but then what isn't?
Emmental:::The perfect cooking ingredient- the best pizza in the world is made with this cheese
Fourme de Mt Brison:::A cross between mimolette and blue cheese
Fromage des Chaumes:::Tasteless
Gouda Jeune:::Great with a subtle flavor for beginners
Mimolette Jeune:::Very good
Mimolette vielle:::Better version of the above
Pave d’Affinois:::Camembert clone
Pecorino:::The best cheese everrrrr
Red Leicester:::British, but still worth eating cos it's yumm
Tomme de Savoie:::Best with tomatoes. Actually, only with tomatoes!

Cheese? Mmm, I do like cheese. I will, however, never remember all of those kinds of I'll settle for you finding one/many somewhere local so I can try some. Yes?
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